Friday, 12 March 2010


8th November


-Grotto and Bondone, Betrayal C. 1305.
Fine art- but symbolises, shows a graphic story. A media for the age.

1922, William Addison Dwiggins
‘In the matter of layout forget art at the start and use horse sense. The printing designers whole duty is to make a clear presentation of the message- to get the important statements forward and the minor parts placed so that they will never be overlooked. This calls for an exercise of common sense and a faculty of analysis rather than for art.’

Herbert Spencer
‘Mechanized Art’

Max Bill and Josef Muller-Brockman
‘Visual Communication’

Richard Hollis
‘Graphic Design is the business of making or choosing marks and arguing them on a surface to convey an idea’

Paul Rand
‘...graphic design, in the end, deals with the spectator, and because it is the goal of the designer to be persuasive or a least informative, it follows that the designer’s problems are twofold: to anticipate the spectators reactions and to meet his own aesthetic needs’

Josef Muller-Brockman
‘Whatever the information transmitted, it must, ethically and culturally, reflect  its responsibility to society’

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
-Arsistide Bruant, 1893
-La Goulue, 1890’s
For mass production- colour used if chosen but could look like fine art without type.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Peter Behrens, AEG, pre First World War technology
German – showing modernism.

Saville Lumley – ‘What did you do in the Great War?’
-Traditional as opposed to German poster

First World War posters
Britons, 1914
Uncle Sam, 1917

Kandinsky – Abstraction
Lissitsky – Geometric, triangles linked to Kandinsky.
‘Beat the whites with the red wedge’ -Cheap to print

Oskar Schlemmer – Bauhaus Logo, 1922

Firsts school to each Graphic Design. 1922- when Dwiggins first said the term Graphic Design.

Herbert Bayer, Kandinsky 60th Birthday, exhibition.

Piet Zwart

Cassanare – French
1927 poster, stared to sign work. Being recognised as well known designers

Ludwig Hohlwein
Reich’s  sports day, 1933                               Traditional
                                                                                Shut down Bauhaus, go back to ‘real art’

Ludwig Vierthaler
Degernate art, 1936

Bauhaus techniques
Off set type, selected by Hitler as degenerate art, abomination of talent

G. Klusik Russian, colour used.

Book of VW adverts.

Paul Rand, 1962 abc                                        197 IBM- CORPORATE

Ken Garland       – Peace Logo
                                -First things first manifesto.

Desingers Republic- Sheffield Designers, take their own ground rules.

Primal Scream, Julian Hoss
2000, emulating Russian Constructivist style.

Oliviero Toscanni
Barbara Kruger – I think therefore I am
                                ---> I shop therefore I am. Selfridges. 

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